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Object Detector & Counter Behavior with Metrics

Object Detection and Counting on a given image data

Behavior related to Artificial Intelligence in the context of Automotive Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing & Equipment Manufacturing Misc. Textile and Apparel Manufacturing

Provided by DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) 9 months, 1 week ago (last modified 5 months ago); viewed 130 times and bound 1 time
Object Detector & Counter Behavior with Metrics is a behavior suitable for Manufacturing


This Behavior performs Object Detection Inference on a given image data using the following Assets:

1. Microservice: OD & Counter Inference Service: COCO format with Metrics,

2. Algorithm : Object Detector & Counter Algorithm: COCO format [Metrics]

3. Model: YOLOv5 OD Model in ONNX format

4. Microservice: IGD EGI Model Retriever for fetching and unzipping the Model from EGI Model Repository (optional)

The model file shall be provided in the /odapi/od_app/model folder in the unzipped format to make it work. To pull the Model file from an external repository and to perform unzipping, use a service like IGD EGI Model Retriever in the deployment as well. 

Using the service in in other configurations, the unzipped Model, consisting of yolov5s.onnx & coco.names files shall be provided in the mounted folder /odapi/od_app/model

Alert examples:

label == "person"; "person detected, Warning"
probability <= 0.60 ; "Probability of successful detection very low!"

Model and Algorithm

model icon

YOLOv5 OD Model in ONNX format

Model: YOLOv5 Object Detector Model trained on 80 Common Object Classes

algorithm icon

Object Detector & Counter Algorithm: COCO format [Metrics]

Algorithm: YOLOv5 Object Detector Algorithm that can perform inference on Models trained on COCO format