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Object Detector & Counter Algorithm: COCO format [Metrics]

YOLOv5 Object Detector Algorithm that can perform inference on Models trained on COCO format

Algorithm related to Artificial Intelligence in the context of Automotive Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing & Equipment Textile and Apparel Manufacturing

Provided by DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) 9 months, 2 weeks ago (last modified 5 months, 1 week ago); viewed 124 times and bound 1 time


This Algorithm can perform inferences on Models that are trained on COCO format datasets, made available on ONNX formats.

In order to make this Algorithm work, the Inference Microservice associated with Algorithm shall be provided with:

1. The model in ONNX format with the filename yolov5s.onnx 

2. The list of target classes that the Algorithm shall detect with the name coco.names following the standard coco.names format

These files shall be provided in the /odapi/od_app/model folder !

For Inference Endpoint and Response details, see the Inference Microservice: 
OD & Counter Inference Service: COCO format with Metrics 

Classification: Machine Learning

Type: Deep Learning


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OD & Counter Inference Service: COCO format with Metrics

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Microservice with Metrics