
... optimizing your manufacturing processes with modular digital twins composed of expert assets...





Provided by SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control 1 year, 1 month ago (last modified 11 months, 1 week ago); viewed 474 times and bound 1 time


MinIO is a high performance, distributed object storage system. It is software-defined, runs on industry standard hardware and is 100% open source with the dominant license being GNU AGPL v3. MinIO is different in that it was designed from its inception to be the standard in private/hybrid cloud object storage. Because MinIO is purpose-built to serve only objects, a single-layer architecture achieves all of the necessary functionality without compromise. The result is a cloud-native object server that is simultaneously performant, scalable and lightweight. While MinIO excels at traditional object storage use cases like secondary storage, disaster recovery and archiving, it is unique at overcoming the challenges associated with machine learning, analytics and cloud-native application workloads.

Input parameters:

MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: It provides the MinIO access key value.

MINIO_SECRET_KEY: It provides the MinIO secret key value.

Default port(s):

9000:  GUI interface for MinIO

9001: MinIO Console



Classification: Other

Type: Other

Expected User's Input Parameters

It provides the MinIO access key value.

  • Type: text
  • Mandatory: Yes

It provides the MinIO secret key value.

  • Type: text
  • Mandatory: Yes
Container Deployment Information
  • Format: docker-compose
  • Data:
    01. services:
    02.   minio:
    03.     command: minio server --console-address :9001 /data
    04.     container_name: minio
    05.     environment:
    06.     - MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=open_parameter(MINIO_ACCESS_KEY)
    07.     - MINIO_SECRET_KEY=open_parameter(MINIO_SECRET_KEY)
    08.     image:
    09.     ports:
    10.     - mode: host
    11.       protocol: tcp
    12.       published: '9000'
    13.       target: '9000'
    14.     - mode: host
    15.       protocol: tcp
    16.       published: '9001'
    17.       target: '9001'
    18.     restart: unless-stopped
    19.     volumes:
    20.     - ./data:/data
    21. version: '3'
  • GUI Microservice: Yes
  • Workload type: service
  • Opened ports: