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High Tonnage CNC-controlled Punch Press

It is a type of high-tonnage machine press used to cut holes in material. The punch press is used for high volume production; CAD/CAM programs maximize yield by nesting parts in the layout of the sheet.

Equipment operated by clesgo GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB


Low Tonnage CNC-controlled Punch Press

It is a type of machine press used to cut holes in material. The punch press is used for high volume production; CAD/CAM programs maximize yield by nesting parts in the layout of the sheet.

Equipment operated by clesgo GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB



HiveMQ Datasource for testing

Data operated by Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung available at the facility FHG IGD


ITAINNOVA example Data

ITAINNOVA example Data, S3 bucket

Data operated by SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control available at the facility HUN-REN cloud


CNS-ExampleData PayloadSchema 2-data3

MQTT-Datastream with payload schema 2

Data operated by ConSenses GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB


CNS-HugeMessages PayloadSchema 2-data2

MQTT-Datastream with payload schema 2

Data operated by ConSenses GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB


CNS-GreyNoise PayloadSchema 2- data1

MQTT-Datastream with payload schema 2

Data operated by ConSenses GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB


Reconfigurable automatic sheet metal pressing line

Production line consisting of 5 hydraulic presses in series for automatic sheet metal deformation for the production of large domestic and professional appliances, housing for electrical components and other sheet metal parts with medium production volume

Equipment operated by SCAMM available at the facility MOLLIS ANTONIO S.r.l.



Real-time pressure database for FaciliSteelMaster X10.

Data operated by cloudSME available at the facility FaciliTech Duisburg



Bidirectional data stream for real-time pressure control and feedback of the FacilliSteelMaster X10 during steel molding operations.

Data operated by cloudSME available at the facility FaciliTech Duisburg



Real-time temperature data stream from FacilliSteelMaste rX10 during steel molding.

Data operated by cloudSME available at the facility FaciliTech Duisburg


FacilliSteelMaster X10

FacilliSteelMaster X10 is a high-precision steel manufacturing machine.

Equipment operated by cloudSME available at the facility FaciliTech Duisburg


Stam Equipment

Equipment operated by STAM SRL available at the facility STAM Facility



MQTT-Datastream with payload schema 1

Data operated by ConSenses GmbH available at the facility ConSenses Demonstration HUB