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ews makes it possible

This article deals with ews core functionalities, by reading this article you will learn which core functionalities ews is offering and how you can use those to offer services (Apps, Consultancies and Courses) and different ways how you can interact in the community area. 

ews core functionalities

The core functionalities are divided in two main focus points, on the one hand the business-oriented ews services, and on the other the community focusing on interactions of members.

ews Marketplace

The marketplace enables you to offer software tools (apps), online training (courses) and consultation offers (consultancies). 


Make your solutions easy to find! As a provider, you can easily offer your software as ready-to-use tools on the app marketplace. You can offer the software and workflows themselves, executable demonstrations or specific use cases. After you have configured the VM (or batch job) and installed the software, it can be registered as an app on ews. When registering the app, you can define your on-demand business model and clarify whether licence fees should apply when a user uses your app. All app revenues are provided in the tab "Transactions". As soon a user is licensing an app on the marketplace, the licence will remain with the user until the app was launched & completed. After the completion, the user will receive an overview on the consumed computing resources as well as the applied software licences.  


Digital transformation is still a work in progress, and technology entrants need some time to fully understand the technological benefits and how to get there. ews consultancies allows you to offer your experience in consultancy projects for ews members and offer those to generate revenue. These consultancy projects can be designed as client-assessed projects or as accompanied projects where interaction between client and consultant is required. These projects can be helpful to build up prior knowledge (such as problem or needs analyses or the identification of a specific index, e.g. Digital Maturity Assessment) and facilitate the implementation of consultations and make them qualitatively repeatable. After a consultancy is completed, the user as well as the provider can call up the results at any time. 

The ews service Consultancies is created to enhance and not to fully substitute your consulting projects.


Courses is the training & learning area of ews. Here you can start to monetize your knowledge by compiling it in precious trainings courses as easy consumable modules and lectures. You can provide video lectures, notes/PDFs (like text of your lecture, tips & tricks or cheat sheets...) and additional training resources (like small tasks to be conducted, trial data for software or more). Once a training course is licensed by a member, the access to the course independent of the time and cannot be withdrawn by the course provider. 

ews Community 

Find new partners, share experience and engage in discussions with other members. Position yourself as an expert in the community, create supportive contents and offer your solution approaches to support seeking companies. ews Community promotes learning through observation and gives insights into how we can benefit from the experiences of others.


Create content and provide insights on your software tools, technological approaches and write success stories how your implemented solution is actively supporting a manufacturing company. 


Host your own or join a round table - open up a space for users to ask questions & start discussions with manufacturers, providers, experts & technology adopters to discover valuable insights on their challenges, behaviour, demand and more.


You are looking for the right company to work on your challenge? Any member can create a Call for Solution on ews Matches, describe your challenge, clarify the requirements and let solution provider approach you! As soon as you received first solution proposals, you can go into one-on-one discussions with the specific provider - without being exposed to others! 


The ews membership is free of charge! Users only pay services they consumed, and provider pay only per offered service.  

Created by liza @ cloudsme 2 years, 3 months ago (last activity 2 years, 3 months ago) and viewed 742 times

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