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3 ways to deliver your app on ews marketplace

The marketplace is made for selling service licences - no matter if training, consulting or software; this article only refers to the app marketplace and introduces the three ways how software tools can be deployed & delivered. Each of these approaches, or "execution engines" as we call it, is suited for different kind of applications as well as workloads and follows slightly different cloud approaches.  

CloudBroker Platform Execution Engine

CBP EE enables the deployment of industrial applications, batch jobs (batch processing), and VMs, including the deployment of I/O services, custom GUIs, and CLIs. CBP EE alls integration with various operating systems and cloud providers. OS and cloud resources can be complemented by additional resources offered by multiple companies. 

Flowbster Execution Engine - Cloud-oriented Workflows

Flowbster is a cloud-oriented workflow system. Workflow nodes are able to detect whether they can be activated with a particular data set without the need for a central control service such as the Enactor to intervene in service orchestration workflows. Flowbster workflows implement a much more efficient data path through the workflow than service orchestration workflows. [Technology powered by SZTAKI]

MiCADO Execution Engine - Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform...

The MiCADO1 EE deploys apps via Infrastructure-as-Code (IaaS), which requires a TOSCA-based Application Description Template. The first version of MiCADO EE is not suited for commercial purposes. The next version is expected to be suitable for commercial purposes. [Technology powered by CPC University of Westminster]

Benefits of MiCADO EE? 
MiCADO Execution Engine (EE) allows deploying via IaC (Infrastructure as Code) & offering software equipped with fully scalable Kubernetes clusters on emGORA workspace (ews). In the future, MiCADO will also support the deployment of Digital Twin applications - this feature is right now exploited in the DIGITbrain project2.

Modularity of ews: 

emGORA workspace is fully modular, so new Execution Engines (and new features) can be easily integrated into the ecosystem and offered on the marketplace. 

Created by liza @ cloudsme 1 year, 9 months ago (last activity 1 year, 9 months ago) and viewed 664 times

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